How these Chicago tech companies recently went above and beyond for their customers

We heard from leaders at CPI, the OpenFox Company, and NowSecure about how their companies champion the customer experience and how it influences their team culture.

Written by Alton Zenon III
Published on May. 30, 2019
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Products dictate the customer, and customers help dictate the product. That symbiosis is vital to the success of any company, and is made possible through the relationships that companies have with their clients. 

We heard from leaders at CPI, the OpenFox Company, and NowSecure about how their companies champion the customer experience and how it influences their team culture.


CPI team in group photo
image via cpi

CPI, the OpenFox Company provides software tools to entities — like officers on the ground and communications specialists assisting them — in the law enforcement industry. National Sales Manager Marc Smith said recently, a team member spent time sifting through tens of thousands of permits to assist a single customer. 


How does your company culture affect how teams approach the customer experience?

We rely on honest customer feedback to enhance our products and customer experience. This usually develops into more than your typical client and vendor relationship and proves to be invaluable when assessing the future needs of all of our customers and potential prospects.

We rely on honest customer feedback to enhance our products and customer experience.”


Can you provide a recent example of when an employee went the extra mile for a customer?

During a recent client’s production cut-over, the system experienced an issue processing a load of existing handgun permits from the courts. A batch of 60,000 permits did not process in its entirety, which meant someone had to figure out which permits were missing. Software Update Manager Marsha Sanchez politely informed them of the problem and volunteered to come in early for several days to find the missing permits. Each day, she would report progress to the customer, who was very appreciative of her efforts. She saved them time and ensured the project was a complete success.


NowSecure team in New Orleans at Mississippi River
image via nowsecure

NowSecure works to make apps safer through their service offerings that include automated security testing, third-party app risk assessment, penetration testing and more. Vice President of Customer Success and Services Katie Bochnowski said building and maintaining strong communication channels with customers helps ensure the success of the products they’re provided. 


How does your company culture affect how teams approach the customer experience?

A major part of our culture is solving difficult technical problems as they relate to mobile security. For many of our employees, their day job is also their hobby, so it's only natural that our strong desire to solve these problems is a key component of our customers' success. When trying to automate something as complex as mobile application security testing, it's not just the technology that needs to work. Regular, proactive communication with our customers is just as important to ensure they are receiving the value and return they are expecting. 

It's not just the technology that needs to work but regular, proactive communication with our customers.”


Can you provide a recent example of when an employee went the extra mile for a customer?

We were recently working with a potential customer who was based in a very different time zone than the majority of our team. This customer had a major application launch coming up and needed to set up and configure their development tool in order to enable their continuous integration and development workflow. Even though we didn't support this particular environment, one of our employees jumped in to help and spent numerous hours on the phone in the middle of the night with this international customer to help them meet their deadline and ensure their success.


Photos via featured companies unless otherwise stated. All responses have been edited for length and clarity.