Why These Corporate Vets Make Strong Co-Founders

Written by Catherine Merritt
Published on Mar. 03, 2016
Why These Corporate Vets Make Strong Co-Founders

MUMZY today announced it is bringing on a co-founder to join Catherine Merritt, co-founder and CEO, in taking the mom-centric crowdfunding site to the next level. Elise Kern will be joining as a co-founder and COO.

“I couldn’t be more excited to bring Elise on board, leverage her strong data, financial and insights expertise as we continue to evolve MUMZY and grow our community,” said Merritt. “While Elise and I both have unconventional startup experiences, we are well versed disruptors, innovators and bring more years of experience relevant to MUMZY’s premise and community than a typical tech entrepreneur.”

Similar to Merritt with an unconventional startup background, Kern’s experiences played a dominant role in being selected to help co-lead MUMZY.

Explains Merritt, “We’re in a new age of startups where people want to see leaders with more experience under their belt and unique skillsets that exist beyond the tech space. Elise led the commercialization of consumer behavior insights for one of the top national retailers and you better believe that brings tremendous value to MUMZY as we better understand our community and how to support them.” In that role Kern managed customer insights development with major CPG brands, leveraging 135mm consumers' transactional data to make actionable customer-centric decisions and recommendations based on consumer behaviors.

In an age when startups are fighting for relevancy and validity in the eyes of investors and the industry, there’s a new breed of startups and founders who bring stronger corporate achievements and expertise to better poise the best of the best to keep thriving. In this case, Merritt’s tenure working in marketing for major CPG brands combined with Kern’s expertise in understanding the mom consumer through millions of data points brings a tour de force as they scale the MUMZY community and mine the data it produces.

“I have been looking for the right opportunity to be part of and the second I learned of MUMZY I knew this was a company headed for exciting things and I wanted to be along for the ride,” Kern said. “Catherine has identified two huge opportunities of moms and crowdfunding and brought them together with MUMZY. I have no doubt we are headed for great things.”

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